Making Big Indie Games

An advanced guide for indie game developers who are ready for the next level
Making Big Indie Games: Bigger & Better

An advanced guide for indie game developers who are ready for the next level.

⛔️ Did you see all the free resources first? There's so much right here: Read, watch, & listen to dozens of FREE articles, videos, & podcasts!
What about my compact, affordable book -- did you read that already?📙 How to Make a Video Game All By Yourself

OK! If you're still hungry for more, keep going:

Watch the 57-second launch trailer to learn about Making Big Indie Games.

As an indie developer you often hear you're supposed to keep your scope down, but what if what really drives you is a big game concept with a significant scope?

Making Big Indie Games is a tutorial package I made for indie game developers who know how to make games and are ready to invest in a big one.

Buy it on Gumroad

Making Big Indie Games

An advanced guide for indie game developers who are ready for the next level.

Buy on Gumroad

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Making Big Indie Games

An advanced guide for indie game developers who are ready for the next level.

Buy on Itch

Package contents

  • A 64 page ebook (PDF & EPUB)
  • 17 tutorial videos (115+ minutes of big game videos)
  • ~700 MB download size

How to Make a Video Game All By Yourself

Making Big Indie Games is meant to be an extension to How to Make a Video Game All By Yourself! Think of it as the book's Next Level DLC. So please pick up a copy and give it a read. That'll put us on the same page, especially regarding:

  1. You are a producer (you get things done)
  2. Scratch your itch (you're obsessed with finishing your game)
  3. Pick a game engine (you have sharp tools, ready to use)
  4. Manage your scope (we're going big but be smart about where and why)
  5. Iterate to the finish line (it's a long and winding road, especially this time)

Watch the detailed video

Check out the Make the Game episode that covers the package in detail.

Bigger & Better

After a major upgrade, this course is now called Making Big Indie Games: Bigger & Better. It includes 20 new ebook pages and 5 new videos (32 new minutes of video).

🏔 Climbing content mountain
Tips & advice for climbing content mountain, that gigantic, intimidating middle part of finishing a game.

Read Climbing Content Mountain to get a feel for Making Big Indie Games.

Press kit

Below is a press kit you can download that contains high-res images which you're free to use in your publication. You can also contact me directly.

💰 Want a discount? DM me on Discord.