Making Airships: Conquer the Skies with David Stark

Welcome to Make the Game – my name is Matt Hackett; thanks so much for being here. We are now 10 episodes in and that seems like a good time to start Season 2, where the theme is:


To celebrate, I'll include one of my own custom recipes with my newsletter (email only!) during Season 2. Sign up at

Coming up is an entire episode about food and cooking and how that relates to game development, but today we're talking with David Stark, solo developer of Airships: Conquer the Skies. Let's jump in!

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Show notes

Last episode I announced my new game Witchmore. I love it. I just like saying it. Anyway I wanted to thank everyone for the lovely emails, and Discord messages and Twitter DMs. It's so exciting to me that you're already telling me you'll buy the game; that's so encouraging! Sadly there's no Itch or Steam page right now and you can't buy Witchmore yet, but there are other ways to support the show:

  1. Buy my tutorial package Making Big Indie Games – for a hundred bucks you get about a movie's worth of game dev video tutorials walking through increasing the scope of your game.
  2. Check out the Amazon wishlist for gear to help me make the show.
  3. Write a review for Make the Game on your favorite podcast app.
  4. Subscribe, like, share, you know, those things.

Before we go, my question for you is: What's your favorite dish? Favorite recipe? What's different about them? (Do this again with games.) To answer: tweet at me or send me a voice recording at

Thank you for listening! You are being played out by Action Strike which you are free to use in your projects. Now it's time for you to go make the game!

